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Air sterilizers


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Air sterilizers

Category Building & Construction
Company Name EVERTREE Co. Ltd.
Product Brochure

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- air sterilizer
1) Areas of use ? educational institutions, public institutions, hospitals, hotels, airports, etc. all places where an unspecified number of people gather
2) Characteristics
(1) Made of lightweight, sturdy aluminum casing
(2) Adoption of front reinforced Glass materials considering design aesthetics
(3) By applying the three-stage (pre-filter, carbon filter, HEPA filter) composite filter and sterilization module, it has a sterilization capacity of about 100 pyeong
(4) 93% reduction in floating virus (target virus Phi-X174)
(5) 93.7% reduction in suspended bacteria (S.epidermides)
(6) Noise level 1 38.dBA, level 2 38.5dBA, level 3 45.2dBA, level 4 51.5dBA
(7) Ozone emission of 0.002PPM, 1/25th level compared to 0.005PPM standard
(8) Reduction of harmful gases: 93.7% for ammonia, 96.2% for toluene, 88.5% for acetaldehyde, KTL official performance
(9) The fan current detection function recognizes the fan restraint and has a warning function or a power cut-off function after the warning
(10) The sterilization module current detection function determines and warns of abnormalities. Easy backup is possible through the preliminary output port setting function of the control board
(11) The sterilization module UVA LED guarantees light intensity of more than 30,000 hours. Replace if the light intensity decreases by 70% or less after 30,000 hours
(12) It has a built-in air quality complex sensor, which can display air quality information on PM levels and TVOC temperatures to the outside
(13) The wind speed can be controlled at the desired wind speed by setting the wind speed 1,2,3,4,5 (automatic stage), and the wind speed level changes automatically according to the air quality level when setting the automatic stage 5
(14) Digital signage function is given as a second function following air sterilization, and dual display of 43-inch upper LCD and 15.6-inch lower LCD is possible
(15) Built-in 15W speakers

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