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Alcohol free cocktails or drink mixes


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Product Name

Alcohol free cocktails or drink mixes

Category Others
Company Name ACEFARM INC.
Product Brochure

A collagen jelly that easily provides the nutrients of organically grown aloe and 100% Korean 5-berries.

Efficacy: Strengthening immunity, improving digestion, improving blood circulation, improving aging skin and skin health
Direct cultivation-free pesticides Aloe gel, Mungyeong Omija, low molecular collagen of less than 800Da
Healthy 5 ZERO (Trans fats, Saturated fats, Cholesterol, Artificial pigments, preservatives)
Fresh and sweet green grape flavored. Delicious daily inner beauty product
Convenient easy-cut, easy to eat of stick jelly type

* 1case = 18g x 14ea

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